District Disaster Management Authority Kangra
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As per the BIS seismic zoning map 98.8% area falls in Seismic Zone V & 1.2 % area under Seismic Zone IV of Kangra is liable to the severest design intensity of MSK IX. As per HVRA Report of TARU 39 Earthquakes are recorded till date and as per Distribution of House by Predominant Materials of Roof and Wall and Level of Damage Risk out of 503,503 total Buildings in Kangra 301773 buildings are found to be made out of Unburnt Brick / mud walls leading to Very High risk of Damage. And the Building typology including Dhajji Dewari in District Kangra are 1. Concrete roof and wall made of burnt brick & Stone/ Slate roof and wall made of mud/ unburnt brick
Estimation of Loss in Earthquake as per Housing Report
SN |
Item |
Scenario if all the buildings arewithout earthquake resistance. Physical Loss in INR* Damage (million) |
Scenario of all buildings are with earthquake resistance. Physical Loss in INR* Damage (million) |
1 |
Loss of lives |
65,000 |
6,500 |
12,000 |
1,200 |
2 |
Total collapses of buildings (G5) |
1,36,339 |
9,540 |
8,298 |
580 |
3 |
Destroyed buildings (G4) 2+3 Buildings to rebuild |
2,63,356 3,99,695 |
18,430 27,970 |
94,997 1,03,295 |
94,997 1,03,295 |
4 |
Heavily damaged buildings (G3; to repair and retrofit) |
9,15,602 |
12,820 |
3,12,382 |
4,370 |
5 |
Moderately damaged buildings (G2; to repair and retrofit) |
3,57,510 |
3,750 |
6,48,040 |
6,800 |
Source: Arya As, 12thWorld Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Aukland, 31stJanuary-4thFebruary, paper No.2824.
*INR-Indian rupees, 1US$INR 40.0 in 1997; G5, G4, G3, G2 are grades of damage defined in MSK Intensity scale.Loses estimated in 1997 at 1997 costs.
The damage and loss scenario could be more disastrous now as the population of the State and district Kangra and built-up environment has increased many times since 1991. Present estimate of devastation in a repeat hypothetical earthquake is that (a) loss of more than 340,000 lives will occur if the earthquake will happen at midnight of winter months and half of this number if it will occur in the morning when people are awake and sleeping, (b) the urban facilities particularly hospitals, schools, communication buildings, transportation routes in the hilly region and water supply facilities will be badly damaged. The fragility of the present situation was amply demonstrated by the rather small earthquake of M=5.7 occurring on April 26, 1986 causing economic loss of about Rs. 66.00 crore.