District Disaster Management Authority Kangra
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District Emergency Operation Centre
District Emergency Operation Centre
DEOC will assist the commissioner in performing the roles assigned to him by DDMA. The DEOC would
perform the following functions:-
1) District control room would be the nerve center for the disaster management.
2) To monitor, coordinate and implement the actions for disaster management.
3) Activate the ESF (Emergency Support Function) in the event of a disaster and coordinate the
actions of various departments/ agencies.
4) Ensure that all warning, communication systems and instruments are in working conditions;
5) Receive information on a routine basis from the district departments on the vulnerability of the
various places and villages (parts of the districts).
6) Receive reports on the preparedness of the district level departments and the resources at their
disposal to arrange and meet their requirements.
7) Upgrade the Disaster Management Action according to the changing scenario.
8) Maintain a web-based inventory of all resources through the India Disaster Resource Network
9) Provide information to the Relief Commissioner’ Office of the disaster/ emergencies/ accidents
taking place in the district regularly and maintain a data base of disasters and losses caused by
10) Monitor preparedness measures and training activities.
11) Providing information at district level, local level and to disaster prone areas through
appropriate media.
12) Brief the media of the situations and prepare day to day reports during the disasters.
13) To report the actual scenario and the action taken by the District Administration.
14) Maintain a data base of trained personnel and volunteers who could be contacted at any time.
15) Lease with on-site operation center, State EOC and other emergency services.
The Additional District Magistrate shall be the Nodal Officer for Disaster Management and would be
of the DEOC. The design, layout, equipment and operation of the DEOC would be as per the EOC
Manual prepared at the State level.